Monday, August 4, 2014

Switching Grade Levels: Assessing Needs and Shopping Spree(Setup Day 5)

On the fifth day of classroom setup, I had to pause the actual organizing and do a little pre-planning.  Because you see, the Teacher Pay Teachers Back to School Sale was only days away!  I'm linking up with I'm Blog Hoppin' to show off my new loot. was traveling on Monday, (Fundations training 90 miles away) so I HAD to go in Friday.  However when my lunch date with a friend changed the day before, I decided I'd go in early (before 10 am in the summer is early).  Then my car decided to act up.  So I walked from the shop to the school.  This sounds really dedicated except that the garage is about a 15 minute walk.  In any case, I spent time assessing my needs for September, October, November and December., I decided that my focus was going to be on Science and Social Studies only.  The reasons were:
  1. My husband helped me organize all these files using the tabs I created.  I could easily look into each file, determine what looked thin, empty, or outdated.
  2. The district bought Math in Focus not long ago.  They adopted Fundations around the same time.  And not long before that, they bought Journeys.  That's not to say we're covered when it comes to these areas.  However, the district does not buy ANY materials for first grade science or social studies.  The need is obvious, and so is where my opportunity is to be creative. 
  3. My feeling is that as I teach the required programs in math and literacy, needs will arise, and I will supplement.  But I need to start to get a feel for the program before I start buying items that don't fit.  One thing I can't buy is more time to do "extra stuff."
I bought a FEW materials that were not for science or social studies, but they definitely comprised the bulk of my purchases. You'll see them scattered throughout the rest of this post!  After making notes on my curriculum calendar, a nice lunch out, and picking up my car, that evening I finished my search on Pinterest.  I have my boards set up to mirror the sequence of topics we cover.  I checked off topics on my list that were well represented on my boards (and yes, I actually LOOKED at every link.  Not every link on Pinterest goes to a quality website!). Saturday, I scoured TPT for those topics I needed materials for and added them to my wishlist in anticipation of the sale.  Some topics had multiple resources, so my wishlist grew uncomfortably long, but at least now I had options. fresh eyes on Sunday, I weeded out my wishlist.  I opened a new window and put each product in a new tab, then pinned each one with notes such as "good price, specific, attractive design, geared for first grade, I liked the sorting activity."  Then I read my notes on all the tabs and removed the ones I sounded least excited about from my wishlist.  I kept the pins for future reference if I need more/different activities. of an appointment, we didn't leave for the Cape until Monday afternoon, so I was free to stay up late for the start of TPT's Back to School Sale.  As a result, I got all my shopping done in the very first half hour!  I was relieved; when I first heard the dates I thought I was going to miss out, but it worked out in the end. the products you see sprinkled throughout this post are what I got for 28% off.  I'm feeling a little more prepared now.  :)  I finally know how my buyers feel when they thank me for my hard work; we buyers feel relief.  We see things laid out clearly and attractively.  We know that it has saved us hours of time (for each unit, so multiply that by over a dozen).  This is time I need to set up my room, learn new curricula, and rest.  I don't want to burn out before the year begins!  This website, teachers paying teachers, and teachers being able to supplement based on their own individual needs really is a beautiful thing. did you buy during the sale?

My Teachers Pay Teachers Store
My Pinterest

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