Saturday, August 30, 2014

Props to my Teacher Friends: One More Week (Classroom Setup, Days 17-21)

What a week this has been.

I haven't posted daily this week because I've been working flat out, from 8 am until bedtime with occasional meals in between (half of them involved working while eating).  I actually got a little loopy Thursday night because I was that physically exhausted, but I'm feeling at peace with the final product that is my new first grade classroom.

Before the classroom reveal, I have to talk about my colleagues.  I really miss my "upstairs friends" who teach grades 3 to 5; I have barely seen them this week even though they've all been back and I won't see them much during the year, either.  Luckily I have one friend who HAS been down to see me several times this week.  But I'll miss a certain teacher's laugh that rings out so loudly in the mornings that I hear her from 4 doors down.  And the "Shave and a Haircut" she sings as an attention getter.  And I'll miss walking by another certain teacher's classroom reeeeeallllly slowly so that I can take a long, lingering look and get more ideas than Pinterest.  And of course I'll miss my former grade level partner, who I showed the ropes in his first year of teaching but also learned a lot from.

On the other hand, I'm really enjoying the "downstairs crew!"  There are 4 of us in a row, and all the adjoining doors have been kept open all week.  I got to hear music from the second grade teacher on one side as I work (Rent, Madonna, and other 90s sing along types).  Both she and the other first grade teacher drift into/through my room without a second thought to admire/share/chat/ask questions.  It's such a nice open feel.  I don't think I've ever had that in my "corner office!"

Another thing that has been wonderful is my new grade level partner.  She wasn't in much until our official "start day," but she did pop resources into our shared Google drive throughout the summer.  I felt more prepared just from looking over her files.  As she set up her room and I've been in and out, I've learned even more (like what those astronaut clothespins are for...they're spacemen, btw.  For making spaces.  Get it?  Please tell me I'm not the only fourth grade teacher clueless about that, haha).  I used her schedule cards and created snack, lunch, and specials clocks.  She used my character education posters.  Now that I've seen her desk arrangements I know I have much more to learn, but I'll get there.

Even better is that now that she's been in and we've been going to meetings for first grade curriculum and assessment together, we've had more time to bond.  It's been really great.  Again, I really liked my "upstairs friends," and I know it sounds corny but it's been a really special time making deeper connections with others in the building who I already knew.  Now that we've been sharing and trading resources (I was so proud I found "The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf" for one of the kindergarten teachers) I just feel so much more connected than ever before.

I ended last school year thinking, "I will give this a try until February and then decide if I want to transfer to a different school."  After this week I honestly feel like there's no way I will be able to bring myself to do that.

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