This is my second SLANT box exchange. It's the first one I've done here on this first grade blog (the other was posted on my fourth grade blog). Since I've pretty much settled in to my first grade teacher status, I decided to post it here.
February's theme was "I Love Teaching." How could I resist? I was partnered up with Alissa over at Fun in Fifth Grade. And if you're wondering, "Why are you blogging about February on March 8, the obvious reason is I procrastinate, but the second reason is I really enjoyed getting to know Alissa. We Emailed a LOT over the course of the month, so the deadline sort of snuck up on me. But I think it was worth it spending the extra time talking.
'Cause as a result, I got some awesome loot, haha!
Alissa took my classroom theme to heart. She gave me teal, lime green, and aqua items. She even got me cute frog cut outs to go with my pond theme.
I love that they were practical, too. I bought the same paperclips and binder clips before, and of course you can never have too many. Same with the to do list. Writing to do lists helps me prioritize and be more productive, so I can let go of stress easier. It lets me get the stuff out of my brain and put it somewhere else safe, haha.
And a gift card to Staples, woo! She asked me my favorite store and this was at the top of my list.
More lime green stuff that is practical:
I LOVE these Yoobi file folders! I look wistfully at Yoobi stuff every time I go to Staples. And now I own some, yay!
The sanitizer, stapler, and Post Its (in my classroom colors) are of course useful.
I HAVE that Washi tape already; of course it's my classroom colors. Alissa, I don't know if you saw my up-cycled filing cabinet, but I used that pattern for the edges! That's my favorite pattern!
The banana chips made me laugh; when Alissa asked me what I liked to snack on I was half kidding when I said "fruit." I thought, "Of course she won't send fruit." I was wrong!
As for the soap, I don't remember if I told her my favorite smells are spicy, so I was happy to see it's vanilla scented!
Yes there's more! There are K-Cups and a kitty mug (because I am a cat person and coffee person). We talked a lot about this EPIC east coast winter, so she gave me gloves to keep me warm. There are erasers because we all know kids eat them.
The Dove chocolates are one of my favorites and fit with the I Love Teaching theme. And finally, Scentos markers. Which made me laugh, because I got her the same ones! Great minds!
Thanks again for my SLANT box and your Emails, Alissa. It was fun getting to know you, and you were very generous. :) I love my goodies! I hope you loved yours too.
If you've never done a SLANT box, go check out Jameson's new blog location at Lessons With Coffee (same name, new location). There's a new signup nearly every month (today is the last day to register for the March exchange). It's a fun way to get to know other teachers and bloggers. You can also check out Alissa's blog, Fun with Fifth Grade.

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I have really enjoyed getting to know you! I am glad you liked your loot. I loved what you send and can't wait to blog about it. I saw the dried fruit and just couldn't resist throwing that in!!!!